βš–οΈRealised Gains and Losses

Get real-time information on the realised gains and losses directly in your HQ Dashboard.

Tracking Realised Gains and Losses

Get a detailed breakdown of your Gains and Losses for every transaction.

  • Navigate to your "Transactions" page

  • The relevant information will be displayed under the "Realised Gain / Loss" column

  • Alternatively, select a specific transaction to view the asset's fair market value, cost basis, and other relevant details.

Manual Adjustment of Fair Market Value

Keep your books in order by updating the transfer details and Gains and Losses for any transaction

  • Navigate to your "Transactions" page

  • Select the relevant transaction

  • Locate β€œTransfer details” in the pop-up on your screen

  • Manually adjust the "Fair Market Value" or "Amount out/in " to reflect any asset revaluation

  • These changes will affect your realised Gains and Losses for that transaction

πŸ’‘ HQ Tip: Use our Files & Notes tab in the pop-up for a quick description of why manual edits were needed

Last updated