🥳Creating an Account with Headquarters (HQ.xyz)

Using Headquarters (HQ.xyz) for the first time? Find out how to set up an account with us using your email or wallet.

Sign-up with email

  • Enter your email address. A verification code will shortly be sent to you to verify your details

  • Authorise the Headquarters application and enter your relevant organisation details

  • Select “Create Organisation”

Sign-up with wallet

  • Select “Continue with Wallet” and select your respective wallet

  • Sign the pop-up in your browser wallet to verify your details

  • For Wallet Connect users, a QR code will be generated, and they can sign the pop-up directly in their application

  • Enter your relevant Organisation details, including Name, Organisation Name, Role, and Email Address

  • Select “Create Organisation”

Sign-up with Xero

Getting Started with Xero

Last updated